Claudia rentería

Originally from Morelia, Michoacán, México, Claudia first encountered the magic of theater at the Casa de la Cultura de Morelia. She joined Aguijón Theater Acting Workshops in 1992, beginning her acting training. After a hiatus, she returned to the company in 2021 as an official ensemble member.
Among her notable performances at Aguijón Theater is Cintas de Seda by Norge Espinosa, a critically acclaimed play that premiered at the 2022 V International Latino Theater Festival in Chicago, Destinos, followed by her participation at the XI International Theater Festival of the Dominican Republic (XI FITE-RD 2023) in Santiago de los Caballeros the following year. Her repertoire with the company is rich and varied, featuring roles in works such as The Witch of Pontezuela by Juan Zapata Olivella, Underground Sun by Jairo Aníbal Niño, La Chunga by Mario Vargas Llosa, The House of Bernarda Alba, Yerma, and Blood Wedding by Federico García Lorca, The Weeping Woman’s Daughter by Teresa Dovalpage, and Perversions by José Castro Urioste and Eduardo Cabrera.
Beyond Aguijón Theater, other roles she has played include Generic Latina with Teatro Luna, and Al son que me toques Lorca with La Molécula Artística Nido de Mar. Claudia has participated with Aguijón Theater at the 2003 International Latino Theater Festival at the Goodman Theatre with The House of Bernarda Alba. In 2004, she participated in Perversions, and Lorca!—a dance, music, and theater show exploring the poetry of the Andalusian writer and poet—both at the V International Encounter Máscaras del Tiempo in Arequipa, Peru, and the V Latin American Theater Festival Qosqo in Cuzco, Peru. In 2005, she returned to the VI International Theater Festival in Cuzco with The House of Bernarda Alba, which was also performed at the I International Encounter of Theater by Lorca at the Universidad General Sarmiento in San Miguel, Argentina. In 2006, she was part of Yerma at the III International Latino Theater Festival at the Goodman Theatre.
Claudia has been working on staged readings interpreting letters from women who share their life experiences through the project Las Cartas de Frida which she co-founded, and continues working with Las Promotoras, a group of women from the Evanston community. She is profoundly grateful to Aguijón Theater, her family, and friends who continue to inspire her devotion to the stage.